How can we help Wildlife Rangers identify the exact location of every animal larger than 5 kilograms in a specified area in real time, in order to improve forest management and ecological restoration?
2Excel Aviation
The solution
A landscape-scale deer surveillance and survey solution. It applies manned, fixed-wing, aircraft fitted with high-resolution surveillance cameras and precision navigation systems to capture airborne video footage and thermal images of deer to record their locations. The locations and images of deer are made accessible to Wildlife Rangers on the ground, in real-time, via a mobile app. Post-flight, detailed visual interpretation of the data will provide accurate counts, and species and age identification to support population assessments.
The Opportunity
The solution supports a more diverse application for the existing 2Excel search and rescue airborne capability and increases the winter requirement for its survey fleet of aircraft. In addition, the solution sits alongside their other products aimed at landscape-scale environmental challenges.
Next Steps
The next development phase for the solution will be focused on the performance across different environments in Scotland and development of the deer survey elements of the service.
The Team
Our solution draws upon the skills of two key areas in our company. Firstly, our Special Missions division which has an existing fixed-wing surveillance capability. Secondly, our Geo team which specialises in the acquisition and processing of airborne imagery and have experience in environmentally focused remote sensing solutions.
Jennifer Killeen
Technical Lead and Deputy PM
Steve Case
Lead Sensor Operator
Chloe Barnes
Project Manager