Challenge 10.1
How can technology be used to improve situational awareness for emergency responders, before, during and after a wide range of incidents — looking first at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service?
Challenge Sponsor: Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
CivTech is a Scottish Government programme that brings the public, private and third sectors together to build things that make people’s lives better. We take Challenges faced by government departments, public sector organisations and charities, and invite anyone with a brilliant idea to work hand-in-hand with us to create the solution.
Challenge summary
Within the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) responders are faced with a limited ability to access accurate real-time data and information on the scale of the incident to determine resources required both before, during and after incidents. This Challenge needs to be solved in order to equip fire fighters with accurate and reliable information, continuing to improve Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s ability to save and preserve life and protect the public through prevention and response. It will also improve the safety of fire fighters and improve incident commander decision making.
Key information for applicants
Please note: you must apply for this Challenge via Public Contracts Scotland
Launch date
30 July 2024
Closing date
Midday, 10 September 2024
Exploration Stage interviews
7 October 2024
Exploration Stage
11 to 29 November 2024
Accelerator interviews
4 December 2024
Accelerator Stage
20 January 2025 to 2 May 2025
Maximum contract value
Q&A session
A live Q&A session was held with the Challenge Sponsor team on 7 August 2024. A recording of the session can be viewed below or by clicking here.
Why does this Challenge need to be solved?
Within the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, responders are faced with a limited ability to access accurate real-time data and information on the scale of the incident to determine resources required both before, during and after incidents.
This challenge needs to be solved in order to equip firefighters with accurate and reliable information, continuing to improve SFRS’s ability to save and preserve life and protect the public through prevention and response.
A potential solution will also improve the safety of fire fighters and improve predictive and general incident analysis to support incident commander decision making.
This lack of situational awareness can be a problem faced in different types of incidents (e.g. wildfires, flooding, large building or complex fires) and in different environments (e.g. managing resources across large geographical areas including islands, cities and ports).
Some specific examples include;
A lack of real-time accurate information to enable incident commanders to make more informed decisions on arrival.
In the context of wildfires, there may be a lack of continual situational awareness (e.g. live real-time information, direction of travel, wildfire progression over time, and risk to life).
There can be an inability for firefighters to access remote areas that technology may be able to (e.g. island locations, mountainous areas and water rescue incidents).
An inability to provide the same level of senior officer support to incident commanders at more isolated or remote Incidents than is received in more urban settings.
How will we know the Challenge has been solved?
Before, during or at the time of an incident being identified, a tool or solution to gather all information sources in order to provide true awareness prior to attendance and to quickly identify and track the developing event, inform the incident commanders, appropriate agencies, share information on resources deployed, etc.
During, on scene; shared information sources to give an augmented reality of what is happening internally. Solved once we have the ability to coordinate everyone's understanding of the operating environment.
A resolution that reduces administrative processes required as real time technology would allow for information recording before during and after the incident.
A tool that would tell the incident commander/s, wider service, that a risk is developing (through identification of external factors) and that proposes a movement of key resources to best prepare for the potential impact, thereby improving response. This would include actions to backfill and maintain the most effective operational resource cover, Scotland wide.
A tool to provide predictive analysis providing increased knowledge of our environment and improved ability to identify associated risks.
Improved data sharing capability- Heat mapping from each emergency response service which allows a focus to where resources are required.
Innovative and accurate resources to ensure information Sharing to support Situational Awareness.
Success can be measured by identifying Key Performance Indicators, such as reduction in Firefighter injuries, reduction of incidents, improved outcomes at incidents, etc.
Who are the end users likely to be?
All SFRS Operational Personnel
Incident Commanders
Prevention, Protection and Preparedness colleagues
Fire Safety Enforcement Officers
Operations Control
Business Intelligence staff
Support staff
Has the Challenge Sponsor attempted to solve this problem before?
No, but any technical solution must integrate with existing technologies.
Are there any interdependencies or blockers?
Data Security and Regulatory Compliance.
Will a solution need to integrate with any existing systems / equipment?
Will require to integrate with SFRS current ICT systems, incident command systems and our data management systems. The exact needs would be identified during the Challenge and support provided to assess how integration may be achieved.
Is this part of an existing service?
It is related to improving operational service delivery across the SFRS.
Any technologies or features the Challenge Sponsor wishes to explore or avoid?
CivTech is tech agnostic. As long as the proposed solution offers the opportunity to solve the Challenge in question, we will consider it.
That said, any proposed solution must be capable of integrating with existing systems as required by the specific Challenge and its Challenge Sponsor, and if appropriate be compatible with current and developing Scottish Government infrastructure.
Much is currently being made of the potential of advanced AI. In truth, just about all the products CivTech has developed over the past few years have AI as part of the tech stack but there is no obligation on your part to go down this route – either with componentry such as machine learning and pattern recognition, or indeed LLMs.
We are looking for the best solution, whatever technology used.
We would be open to exploring technologies including but not limited to:
AI of any type
Drone Technology
Internet of Things
Augmented reality, supporting wearable tech
Predictive analytics-AI/GIS mapping
Thermal imaging
Technology integration
What is the commercial opportunity beyond a CivTech contract?
The solution would have many potential applications in Fire and Rescue both nationally and internationally.
There could also be opportunities for use of tools by other first responders in different fields, such as nuclear, across wider Blue Light Services including Police and Ambulance, Coast Guard, Search and Rescue, Disaster Management, etc.
Who are the stakeholders?
SFRS is made up of three Service Delivery Areas (North, West & East) with Local Senior Officers (LSOs) within each of these delivery areas. The applicant may be required to work with one or more of these areas in developing the MVP.
Other stakeholders could include:
SFRS Specialist responders/tacads
SFRS Incident Command section
SFRS Specialist instructors
SFRS Directorates and Functions including SFRS Board. Strategic Leadership Team, Operations, Prevention, Protection and Preparedness, Training, Communications, Information Governance, Asset Management, ICT, People Services, Legal and Procurement
Representative Bodies
Other Blue light partners/category one responders
Civil Aviation Authority
Local Authorities
Who’s in the Challenge Sponsor team?
Operational, Training, Prevention, Protection and Preparedness and ICT personnel at SFRS, augmented by significant internal staff resources as required to support the Challenge, including those who are experts in this field.
Data will be provided in line with GDPR regulations and the parties will require to sign up to a data sharing agreement where personal/sensitive data is being processed.
Any prior research conducted will be shared.
What is the policy background to the Challenge?
SFRS recognise that our operational capability could be improved through more advanced tools to support situational awareness at incidents which would support all 7 outcomes in our Strategic Plan.